
ARIG – Slow institutional death as it should be

I worked for ARIG for 15 years. Its demise was truly very painful
This report headed as The PLANNED slowly demise of ARIG, written in 2021 highlighting the main reasons for such a planned death.

The main lessons that can be concluded are:

  1. No changes in the organizational chart that aims to satisfy some personnel in the organization. CHANGES ONLY to better focus on the company’s target and objectives.
  2. Focusing only on your main activity. Going into the direct insurance business as well as medical business was a disaster and/ or IT business.
  3. Do not bite beyond whatever you can swallow. Opening a company in London and or expansion in the Geographical Branches were not in the best interest of ARIG.
  4. Do not take risks in taking hasty decisions in the likes of getting out of the aviation business following the 11th of September 2001 incidents.
  5. Always look at the team. Do not sacrifice your best members at any price.